

A Message

Dear Friends, this page is introduced to enable us to learn while having fun. There are games, quiz and videos beside study notes. Largely for P3 - P4 levels, it also include video like Word World for lowel / nursery level.. I hope this not only help me, but all of you who visited this blog.....enjoy learning!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Materials by BBC a Quiz / play game at bottom of this note

Changing state


Solid, liquid and gas are called the three states of matter. Materials can be changed from one state to another by heating or cooling. Water moves around the environment in the water cycle.
This section includes:

States of matter

Solid, liquid and gas are called the three states of matter.
Materials can be changed from one state to another by heating or cooling.


  • If ice (solid) is heated, it changes to water (liquid). This change is called melting.
  • Water (liquid) can change to water vapour (gas). This is called evaporation.
  • If water (liquid) is heated until it boils, it changes to water vapour (gas) very quickly.


  • If water vapour (gas) is cooled, it changes to water (liquid). This change is called condensing.
  • If water (liquid) is cooled, it changes to ice (solid). This change is called freezing.
Illustration showing the three states of matter: Solid (ice), liguid (water) and gas (steam), amd the processes that create them

The water cycle

Water on the earth is constantly moving. It is recycled over and over again. This recycling process is called the water cycle.
The water cycle - one illustration showing the 4 stages labelled A - D
a. Water evaporates into the air
The sun heats up water on land, and in rivers, lakes and seas and turns it into water vapour. The water vapour rises into the air.

b. Water vapour condenses into clouds
Water vapour in the air cools down and changes back into tiny drops of liquid water, forming clouds.

c. Water falls as rain
The clouds get heavy and water falls back to the earth in the form of rain or snow.

d. Water returns to the sea
Rain water runs over the land and collects in lakes or rivers, which take it back to the sea. The cycle starts all over again.


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